Cost of living crisis. AI taking over jobs? Layoffs. Recession?
These are uncertain times, no doubt. It can feel like we're constantly lurching from one crisis to the next.
With so many anxiety inducing headlines every day, it's only fair to wonder what the future holds. Will my job remain stable? Will I be able to up skill if I need to? What if my wages don't keep up with inflation? These are all very valid questions.
In these uncertain times, having a coach can be your secret weapon for success.
In his TED talk, Bill Gates kicks off by saying, 'Everyone needs a coach. We all need people who give us feedback. That's how we improve'. Then, he goes on to describe how teachers are the one group of people who get almost no systematic feedback ever.
We'd take it a step further. We believe that most people, regardless of their chosen careers, get almost no systematic feedback ever. As the world shifts faster and faster under our feet, we need to become more adaptable, and focus more on our inner development.
Why everyone needs a coach
The best sportspeople and sports teams in the world all have coaches. The best leaders in the world have coaches. This is not a coincidence. As a player, it is impossible for you to observe yourself while you are playing, and gather insight about what you can do better. As a leader, it is impossible for you to objectively analyse the impact of your leadership style on other people.
This dynamic and uncertain world is your field, and you are the player in the arena. What can having a coach in your corner who can be a mirror and a sounding board do for you?
Discover new depths within yourself
Humans are incredibly resilient. The first step towards growing your inner resilience is self-awareness. A coach helps shed light on your inner self, understand your intrinsic motivations, unconscious biases and triggers that cause self sabotaging behaviors.
Sometimes, your surface-level motivations are not the same as your true motivations. Through activities such as a values exercise, a wheel of life exercise, or techniques such as socratic questioning, a coach guides you to discover new depths within yourself.
Move past your internal blockers
If you are feeling like you are treading water, and not gaining forward momentum in a specific area of life, or just in general, it is possible that you are being held back by your own cognitive distortions, unconscious biases, or limiting beliefs. You are not alone in this.
Unconscious biases are extremely hard to self-diagnose (they are called 'unconscious' for a reason!). Having a coach hold a mirror to you leads you to aha! moments that catalyse lasting behavior change and increase your buffer of resilience.
We all have limiting beliefs that cramp our potential. A coach acts as an outside impartial observer who can see your internal blockers or limiting beliefs clearer than you can. A coach can be an experienced thought partner in helping you probe these beliefs, and discard or reframe them to take your inner experience to the next level.
Accelerate your inner growth
You can of course develop and grow yourself without the help of a coach. Kudos to you if you are taking this approach! But, if you ever feel like you need some extra support, that's okay too. In fact, having a coach accelerates the process of growth.
Coaches facilitate the process of personal or professional development, and help you navigate uncertainty by deeply listening to you and working with you to co-create your own answers to the challenges you face. They help you design a plan to reach your goals, and act as your accountability buddy to stay on track.
If, along the way, you discover that those original goals were not the right ones for you after all, that's part of the process! It's better to discover that sooner, and take corrective action, than to spend months or even years chasing something that's not for you!
Design your best life
In this bustling world of hyper-activity and crisis after crisis, having an internal sense of calm and strength is a super power. A coach can be the best co-pilot you'll ever have on this journey to help you curate and live your best, most intentional life.
If you are already working with a coach, that's awesome! Our best wishes to you on your growth journey. We'd love for you to try Medoo out with your coach: join the Medoo launch waitlist!
In the face of increasing uncertainty, and ever changing job requirements, the most valuable investment on ourselves is in what helps us to be centred.
To develop resilience, presence and ultimately self knowledge.
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