Today, we’re pleased as Punch to share with you, our valued early adopters and first believers, a sneak peek of the first version of Medoo.
Through our customer research interviews, we recognised that the trust built through a deep 1-1 relationship between coach and coachee is at the core of every fruitful coaching journey. We wanted to help carry this trust forward into a shared online space for coaches and coachees, to come together and bridge the gap between coaching sessions and everyday life. We identified three areas to tackle that will form the foundation of the Medoo product experience.
1. Creating a coaching journal
The key question on our mind was: how might we best create this space online, and capture the same feeling of safety that envelops coaching sessions? We experimented with a few ideas, and finally landed on the idea of a collaborative journal being at the heart of this space.
2. Blending everyday context into the coaching journey
Our next exploration was around how to best bring the context and insightful moments from day-to-day life into the sacred space of a coaching session. For this, we will make it possible for coachees to easily add insights as well as record their feelings and progress towards goals. All of this is added to the coaching journal to form the heart of their growth.
3. Visualising coaching progress
Taking all of the valuable information from the coaching journal, we then transform it into a visual representation of the journey. This provides a bird’s eye view of progress, the ups and downs through a coaching journey, and brings a useful quantitative element to what is otherwise mostly a qualitative process.
The road ahead
This is only the beginning of the road for Medoo. We have many other product features lined up: helping coache(e)s prepare for coaching sessions; using state-of-the-art machine learning to make contextual coaching recommendations; and enabling coaches to scale up their coaching practice through group coaching without losing the intimacy of the 1-1 connection with every coachee.
We look forward to continue sharing the evolution of Medoo with you. Thank you for joining us on this road! 🧡

At Medoo, our mission is to help people design and live intentional lives. We seek to create a deep connection between coaches and their clients by bringing to life a purpose-built coaching companion tool.
If you are interested in trialling Medoo, or have any questions/feedback for us, please get in touch with us via email on hey@medoo.life.
Well done, Team! Blessed to see how you are progressing!
Love it! So much progress already :)